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Introducing beeFormer: A Framework for Training Foundational Models for Recommender Systems

In the fast-evolving world of recommender systems, understanding both how users interact with content and the actual content itself is crucial. Many existing recommender systems struggle to balance these two aspects...

Vojtech Vancura
Oct 15
New Features
Recommendation Engine

Video Recommendations Made Easy: Integrating Axinom Mosaic with Recombee

In this webinar we look into building a data-driven video backend geared towards personalized video recommendations, integration with Axinom Mosaic, and how to transform user experiences on streaming platforms.

Grigory Grin (Axinom)
Sep 09

Insights: The Next Level of Analytics in Recombee UI

Insights, the analytics section of our Admin UI, offers various predefined and fully customizable reports to track recommended items and how users interact with these recommendations.

Ondra Fiedler
May 09
New Features
Recommendation Engine

Recombee Partners With Axinom to Enhance Video Streaming Experiences

This collaboration is set to introduce a new era of personalized and engaging digital user experiences.

Jan Valuch
Mar 20

Elevate Your Personalization Strategy with Recombee's Innovative Features

The digital landscape and customer preferences and behavior are changing faster than ever now. To help our clients stay on top of the game, our team has focused on developing innovative features...

Jan Valuch
Mar 13
New Features
Recommendation Engine

Modern Recommender Systems - Part 2: Data

Data used by modern recommenders and how we can measure progress towards goals.

Pavel Kordik
Mar 07
Recommendation Engine

Recombee Real-Time AI Recommendations as the New Destination in Segment

Segment has enabled its users to enjoy Recombee personalization services without the need to leave their platform and with minimum coding involved. With a few simple clicks, domains using Segment can upgrade their services to maximize the digital experience for their customers.

Adela Sloupenska
Mar 05

Is This Comment Useful? Enhancing Personalized Recommendations by Considering User Rating Uncertainty

Picture this: you're on the hunt for the perfect new smartphone, browsing through your favourite online electronics store. The online store’s recommendation engine pops up with what it thinks could be your possible next gadget love...

Rodrigo Alves
Mar 01
Recommendation Engine

Recombeelab's 2023 Research Publications

Recombeelab, a joint research laboratory of Recombee and the Faculty of Information Technology at the Czech Technical University in Prague, experienced a highly productive year in 2023, publishing a series of insightful and impactful papers in the field of recommendation systems.

Rodrigo Alves
Jan 19
Recommendation Engine

AI News and Outlook for 2024

We look at the most interesting research directions and assess the state of knowledge in key areas of AI. We'll also estimate future developments in 2024 so you know what to prepare for.

Pavel Kordik
Jan 16
Recommendation Engine

AI Assistants Know Your Preferences, Even Better Than You Do

Recommender systems and ethical controversies

Pavel Kordik
Nov 23, 2023
Recommendation Engine

The AI (R)Evolution in the Media Industry

In today's digital age, personalization has become the cornerstone of the media industry. Whether it's tailoring content recommendations, refining marketing strategies, or enhancing user experiences...

Anna Dolezelova, Petr Popov
Oct 23, 2023
Recommendation Engine

Modern Recommender Systems - Part 1: Introduction

How machine learning methods simplify item discovery and search.

Pavel Kordik
Apr 17, 2023
Recommendation Engine

Explaining Recommender Systems to Product Owners

In my presentation at the Data Technology Seminar organized by the European Brodcasting Union, I have focused on demonstrating that recommender systems can actually help public media organizations to better fulfill their role in society and reduce content distribution biases.

Pavel Kordik
Mar 27, 2023
Recommendation Engine

Inductive Matrix Completion: How to Improve Recommendations for Cold Start Users and Items by Incorporating Their Attributes

Matrix completion (MC), the problem of recovering the missing entries of a partially observed matrix, has found use in a wide range of domains. Still, its potentially most successful application is as a collaborative filtering technique for recommender systems (RSs)...

Rodrigo Alves
Mar 20, 2023
Recommendation Engine

Breaking the News: The Role of AI in Modern Journalism

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed the media industry in recent years. From automated news production to trend analysis and personalized content recommendations, AI has brought significant changes to the way media is created, distributed, and consumed.

Tana Lancova
Mar 14, 2023
Recommendation Engine

Innovative Personalization Features for 2023

The digital world is changing; users' expectations for personalization are increasing, and our Recombee features are continuously improving. One of our focuses is to support our clients in providing the best possible user experiences...

Gabriela Takacova
Feb 17, 2023
New Features
Recommendation Engine

Recombee Item Segmentations

Item Segmentations are Recombee's original and elegant solution to various advanced tasks related to hierarchical and relational data. The feature provides a flexible way to group items (products or pieces of content) into segments...

Tomas Rehorek
Jan 11, 2023
New Features
Recommendation Engine

Bandit Models: Exploiting Popularity and Curiosity to Recommend Trending Content

Humans are inherently curious. In fact, curiosity is linked to the evolution of humankind. For instance, according to famous historian Yuval Noah Harari in his bestseller book "Sapiens", our language skills evolved as a way of gossiping...

Rodrigo Alves
Oct 16, 2022
Recommendation Engine

Keeping Up With Digital Media Convergence

At Recombee, we felt the transition within the media industry accelerated by the pandemic. OTT and CTV consumption ballooned at a significant rate.

Anna Dolezelova
Oct 8, 2022

Recombee in E-mail Marketing: A Partner Success Story with Ryzeo

Do you feel there is a potential to increase your success with customers through an efficient recommender engine? You're highly likely right. Adding a recommender service to your emailing campaigns gives each client tailored product recommendations in all of their emails.

Russell Miller (Ryzeo)
Oct 5, 2022

How We Are Using AI to Power Content Recommendations

In this article we walk you through how we are using the AI recommendation engine Recombee embedded in our headless CMS StoryBlok to drive content recommendations throughout our own website.

Sep 31, 2022

Visual and Interactive Evaluation of Recommender Systems

When building modern real-world artificial intelligence systems, it is increasingly important to validate that the system works correctly. This is however not an easy task. Existing tools for machine learning practitioners...

Pavel Kordik
Sep 19, 2022
Recommendation Engine

Real-Time Personalization of Content With AI-Powered Recommendations

Do you manage a publishing company, online gaming platform, or a streaming site with a content-heavy catalog and are thinking about how to improve the user experience?

Karen Harazimova
Sep 16, 2022

AI-Powered Content Recommendations With a Headless CMS

Thanks to its API-first nature, it is quite straightforward to integrate your headless CMS with the most powerful AI-powered content recommendations available on the market. Luminary just did that with their own website, and Recombee.

Andy Thompson (Luminary)
Aug 31, 2022

Making Linear Autoencoders Work for Large Scale Recommendation Systems

Linear autoencoders for collaborative filtering in recommender systems are simple and surprisingly accurate as we explained in our blogpost on how linear methods work. The critical disadvantage of methods like EASE is that they are not applicable to real-world problems...

Vojtech Vancura
Aug 29, 2022
Recommendation Engine

New Features for a Better Personalization Experience

Like most of the world, the majority of 2021 was spent on home office or in isolation - which left us with all the time to be invested in work (and Netflix :) ) and improving UX for our clients. We are now happy to share new features we can offer to reach new levels of personalization.

Ondra Fiedler
Mar 07, 2022
New Features

Advancing Your Career in Artificial Intelligence with and Recombee

At Recombee, we have always collaborated with academia — after all, five of our co-founders graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague, one of the largest and oldest technical universities in Europe, and most of them hold a Ph.D. degree.

Karen Harazimova
Nov 21, 2021

Linear Methods and Autoencoders in Recommender Systems

Linear regression is probably the simplest and surprisingly efficient machine learning method. It should be the method of your first choice, according to the famous KISS principle. Also, it often works better than sophisticated methods, because it is...

Pavel Kordik
Sep 7, 2021
Recommendation Engine

Recombee and Kentico Xperience: Guide to One-On-One Personalization

Recombee expanded its integration options - and now is available at the Kentico Xperience platform! Analyzing different types of personalization, we look into why Kentiko chose our AI-powered recommendation engine over manual segmentation.

Gabriela Takacova
May 6, 2021
Recommendation Engine

Recombee in 2020: New Features and Improvements

We know that this year has been quite challenging for many people, including ourselves. However, today we want to focus entirely on the positive (no pun included) side of the year and the stuff we are the proudest of.

Ondra Fiedler
Dec 30, 2020
New Features

Deep Learning for Recommender Systems: Next Basket Prediction and Sequential Product Recommendation

Accurate “next basket prediction” will be enabling next generation e-commerce — predictive shopping and logistics. In this blogpost, we will discuss the deep learning technology behind next basket...

Pavel Kordik
Nov 10, 2020
Recommendation Engine

How Interdisciplinary Collaboration Can Accelerate AI Innovation

In a world where innovation is the new standard, Recombee uses the power of interdisciplinary collaboration to stay at the cutting edge of innovation. Partnering up with the leading player in the food industry (Bofrost) and academia (FIT CTU), allowed Recombee to hold a student competition to create AI which can shape the future of the food industry.

Pavel Kordik
Sep 1, 2020

Introduction to Personalized Search

Personalized search should take into account user preferences and interactions of similar users. We combined search engine and recommender.

Pavel Kordik
Mar 24, 2020

Recombee in 2019: New Features and Improvements

This year was really huge for us. We worked on new features so hard that we almost forgot to write a blog post about them :)

Tomas Rehorek
Dec 15, 2019
New Features

Check out Our New Client-Side Integration Support and Deploy Personalized Recommendations Faster

We knew we had to bring something new to the table, when participating as a Beta Startup at Web Summit, the largest technology conference…

Ondra Fiedler
Jan 7, 2019
Recommendation Engine

Machine Learning for Recommender Systems — Part 2 (Deep Recommendation, Sequence Prediction, AutoML…

In the first part of our talk, we discussed basic algorithms, their evaluation and cold start problem. Below we show how deep learning…

Pavel Kordik
Jun 7, 2018
Recommendation Engine

Machine Learning for Recommender Systems — Part 1 (Algorithms, Evaluation and Cold Start)

Recommender systems are one of the most successful and widespread application of machine learning technologies in business. There were many…

Pavel Kordik
Jun 3, 2018
Recommendation Engine

Migrating to Recombee From Microsoft Cognitive Services Recommendations

Microsoft has recently discontinued the Recommendations within the Azure Cognitive Services (MCSR). If you used this service, you are…

Ondra Fiedler
Mar 22, 2018
Recommendation Engine

Personalized Push Notifications Enabled by Artificial Intelligence

Recent progress in artificial intelligence enables us to design proactive AI systems. Whereas traditional recommender systems produce…

Pavel Kordik
Mar 4, 2018
Recommendation Engine

Personalized Recommendations in 10 Minutes

We have just released a video tutorial that will guide you through the integration of the Recombee recommendation service to your…

Ondra Fiedler
Jan 11, 2017

Evaluating Recommender Systems: Choosing the Best One for Your Business

Together with the endless expansion of E-commerce and online media in the last years, there are more and more Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)…

Tomas Rehorek
Dec 18, 2016
Recommendation Engine

The Value of Personalized Recommendations for Your Business

The e-commerce boom makes online environment more competitive. Internet retailers seek competitive advantages and a personalized experience…

Pavel Kordik
Aug 23, 2016
Recommendation Engine

Recommender Systems Explained

In this article, I overview broad area of recommender systems, explain how individual algorithms work.

Pavel Kordik
Jul 12, 2016
Recommendation Engine

Generating Client Libraries for Recombee Recommendation API

Client libraries help programmers to integrate an API into their systems in a faster, easier and more readable way. We have recently published clients for Ruby and PHP, and we wish to provide clients for other major programming…

Ondra Fiedler
May 17, 2016

Personalized Recommendations in Ruby

For those of you, who develop in Ruby, we prepared a simple client application enabling you to benefit from our personalized recommendations.

Pavel Kordik
May 16, 2016
Recommendation Engine

Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud

At Recombee, we “think big”, and prefer making big leaps in technology over taking small steps. Our team has been involved in data science and artificial intelligence research for many years. Beginning in 2012, we began to capitalize our knowledge and experience, developing products which…

Pavel Kordik
Mar 30, 2016
Recommendation Engine