Elevate Your Personalization Strategy with Recombee's Innovative Features

The digital landscape and customer preferences and behavior are changing faster than ever now. To help our clients stay on top of the game, our team has focused on developing innovative features...

Jan Valuch
Mar 13
New Features
Recommendation Engine

Innovative Personalization Features for 2023

The digital world is changing; users' expectations for personalization are increasing, and our Recombee features are continuously improving. One of our focuses is to support our clients in providing the best possible user experiences...

Gabriela Takacova
Feb 17, 2023
New Features
Recommendation Engine

Recombee Item Segmentations

Item Segmentations are Recombee's original and elegant solution to various advanced tasks related to hierarchical and relational data. The feature provides a flexible way to group items (products or pieces of content) into segments...

Tomas Rehorek
Jan 11, 2023
New Features
Recommendation Engine

New Features for a Better Personalization Experience

Like most of the world, the majority of 2021 was spent on home office or in isolation - which left us with all the time to be invested in work (and Netflix :) ) and improving UX for our clients. We are now happy to share new features we can offer to reach new levels of personalization.

Ondra Fiedler
Mar 07, 2022
New Features

Recombee in 2020: New Features and Improvements

We know that this year has been quite challenging for many people, including ourselves. However, today we want to focus entirely on the positive (no pun included) side of the year and the stuff we are the proudest of.

Ondra Fiedler
Dec 30, 2020
New Features

Recombee in 2019: New Features and Improvements

This year was really huge for us. We worked on new features so hard that we almost forgot to write a blog post about them :)

Tomas Rehorek
Dec 15, 2019
New Features