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Recombee in E-mail Marketing: A Partner Success Story with Ryzeo

Russell Miller (Ryzeo)
Oct 5, 2022

Do you feel there is a potential to increase your success with customers through an efficient recommender engine? You're highly likely right. Adding a recommender service to your emailing campaigns gives each client tailored product recommendations in all of their emails.

With the limited time customers spend on your site, it is all the more crucial to build a rapport. Making sure you can re-engage and bring the buyers back to your site with one-on-one personalization is key.

Here are examples of automated emails where we’ve added Recombee recommendations to drive thousands of dollars in sales for our customers.

Abandoned Cart

When you send an abandoned cart email, you should also recommend three other products for your customers to consider. Why? Because the odds are that they may not like the item they abandoned, so you need to show them an alternative. Recommended products can increase your conversion rate by 10-20%.

This email had a 9% conversion rate, and made over $80,000 in a month. A big part of that was due to Recombee product recommendations.

What other email templates can you add product recommendations to?

Product View

This email is triggered whenever someone views a product. They don’t even have to add it to their cart. Although this email series has a lower conversion rate than the abandoned cart, it typically has 5x the volume, producing more overall revenue. These emails can convert at 5-11% when you add in product recommendations to increase your odds of a sale.

Welcome Series

This email is triggered whenever someone signs up for your website in a popup. It’s typically a series of emails introducing your site. If you include personalized product recommendations, you can greatly increase your conversion rate. In consumer products, we have seen conversion rates as high as 16% when product recommendations are used.

Post-purchase Email

Another email automation that works very well with product recommendations is a post-purchase email. This email sequence is sent out after a customer has made a purchase. We use Recombee for our customers to sell add-on products (cross-sell) for the product they just purchased. Combined with a time-limited coupon, this can significantly boost your sales.


Finally, what about Newsletters? You can also insert personalized product recommendation blocks in your newsletters that go out to your entire email list. Even better, you can create automated newsletters that just have product recommendations, no work required from you.

We find that newsletters with product recommendations can generate up to 6% conversion rate.

The most powerful use of newsletters combines product recommendations with sophisticated segments. For example, segmenting out B2B vs B2C customers, high LTV customers, or customers with a strong brand affinity. A custom segment allows you to create a subject line that speaks directly to your audience, increasing your open and clickthrough rate. When combined with personalized product recommendations, it can be a powerful marketing tool.

Taken altogether, we believe that adding product recommendations to both automated one-to-one emails and email newsletters can greatly increase your overall sales, by offering customers products they are most likely to be interested in.

At Ryzeo, we have years of experience integrating Recombee product recommendations into our E-commerce email system. We help our customers make 20-40% of their sales from our emails. If you’re looking for a “done for you” option, and are an established E-commerce business, set a discovery session with us to see how we can supercharge your sales using Recombee product recommendations and our behavioral segmentation email system.

Russell Miller is the COO of Ryzeo, an E-commerce Email Platform, and Recombee Partner.


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